An amateur writer attempts to write a Sci-Fi adventure, read the bits of the novel as it is written.

Am I the only writer who feels uncomfortable with sharing?

Now this may seem odd, but sharing personal personal stuff, pictures of me, stuff like that, makes me feel uncomfortable.  Hell, I bought a car recently, nothing excited a Toyota Corolla your basic cheap and reliable transportation, and the car sales man ask me the radio stations I listed too so he could program them into the radio for me and I said no.   So how messed up is it that I would not tell him the radio stations I listen too.  It felt creepy that the dude asked me it to begin with.  Now I know he was just being nice and doing that whole “make the customer feel special” thing, but it creeps me out.

So am I the only writer who looks at his/her* picture and thinks ugh?

Maybe that has to do with why its so hard for me to say, “My writing is done” and then never make another changes to it.  I’m always wanting to go back an make little changes, or broad rewrites.  Hopefully for the better, though I know that is not always the case.  But from what I have read, this is a normal process and through many iterations, the last iteration tends to be “better than most”, sometime even “good”.

I can’t really work on improving on my looks and such things… well yes I could.  But would require time away from writing to exercise, giving up some of the good things in life, and maybe even a little balance in life.  : P    A balance life is boring.   Bacon and Italian Liqueurs & wines are too good.   -la vita è bella

What’s the point of all this?  Well you may from time to time see a picture of me for my avatar, if only for a few days or until I freak out about it and then switch back to an icon or logo or something else.    And yes, I am slowly, very slowly working on an logo or images, or a thing to identify as greenomen.

Gotta go, humbly yours,

JW Haney


* please note: his/her is not needed, his implies her because the English language does not distinguish between the masculine feminine.  …or so I have read, but I do it because it seems right.
